Short Course Topics
Some of the most relevant and novel topics of interest for the private industry and research institutions were covered such as:
- Genomic Selection GS aided by Genomic Prediction GP models
- Artificial Intelligence Methods Implemented for GP
- GP aided by high-throughput phenotyping platforms
- Multi-Omics Integration for Continuous and Categorical Data
- Estimation and Prediction of Genotype-by-Environment (G×E) Interactions
- Multi-Trait Prediction
- Sparse Testing Designs
- Prediction of Time-Related Traits
- Crop Growth Models (CGM) for Integrating the Genotype-by-Environment-by-Management (G×E×M) Interaction in Whole Genome Prediction (WGP
- Modeling of the Host/Pathogen Interaction Using Dual Genome Approach with Potential Applications in Intercropping Systems, etc
In addition, attendees learned about the experiences and vision of implementing genomic selection (GS) approaches in different crop species (fruits, forages, grains, etc.) from world known experts in the field.