PLS 5633 Aquatic Plant Management
This course provides students with a better understanding of aquatic plant management. Students learn about aquatic ecosystems, focusing on the role and impacts of nuisance aquatic plants, and how to manage aquatic weeds using chemical, mechanical, cultural, biological, and preventative methods. This online course uses a mix of lectures, video demonstrations, and interviews.
PLS 5625 Upland Invasive Plant Management
This course provides students with a better understanding of invasive plant management in upland environments. Students learn about the biology of invasive plant species and how to manage invasive species using chemical, mechanical, cultural, biological, and preventative methods. Students also learn how to communicate about invasive plant management to non-scientific audiences. This online course consists of lectures, reading assignments, videos, and interviews.
AGR 6932 Professional Communication
This course provides students with the writing and presentation skills required to succeed in graduate school, job interviews, and their chosen career path. Topics of focus include: crafting effective blog posts and emails, writing scientific articles, grant proposals, and white papers, avoiding plagiarism (writing and presenting), presenting scientific findings in lab meetings, conferences, or informal settings, delivering effective job talks, developing and delivering lectures/course activities, and adjusting communication style to fit your audience (writing and presenting). Content is delivered though a mix of writing assignments, presentation assignments, group discussions, and guest lectures. This course emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning, with emphasis on improving skill through in-class activities and peer-learning.