Dr. Dennis Odero
Professor, Weed Science and Invasive Plants
Dr. Odero’s research in bioenergy crops addresses the management of potential introduction and invasion of bioenergy crops into sugarcane and vegetable cropping systems. In addition, he evaluates weed management options for newly released bioenergy crop varieties. Specific research areas include herbicide evaluation, weed biology and ecology, soil-herbicide interactions, weed-insect interactions, and interaction between pest management strategies. His extension program focuses on providing current weed management recommendations to growers, extension county faculty, crop consultants, and industry representatives via extension publications (EDIS), field days, grower meetings, and web-based electronic formats.
Contact Information
3200 E Palm Beach Rd.
Belle Glade, FL 33430
Publications and Links
- EDIS Publications
- Google Scholar
- https://erec.ifas.ufl.edu/extension-programs/weeds-of-the-eaa/
- https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/experts/a-oderodc
- Dr. Odero's CV
- Abe, D.O., B.A. Sellers, J.A. Ferrell, R.G. Ramon, and D.C. Odero. Bahiagrass tolerance to aminocyclopyrachlor in Florida. Weed Technology (accepted).
- Abe, D.O., B.A. Sellers, J.A. Ferrell, R.G. Ramon, and D.C. Odero. 2016. Weed control in Florida pastures using aminocyclopyrachlor. Weed Technology 30:271-278.
- Odero, D.C., J.V. Fernandez, and N. Havranek. 2016. Weed control and radish (Raphanus sativus) response to S-metolachlor in organic soils. HortScience 51:79-83.
- Odero, D.C., M. Duchrow, and N. Havranek. 2016. Critical timing of fall panicum removal in sugarcane. Weed Technology 30:13-20.
- Abe, D.G., B.A. Sellers, J.A. Ferrell, R.G. Leon, and D.C. Odero. 2016. Tolerance of bermudagrass and stargrass to aminocyclopyrachlor. Weed Technology 30:271-278.
- Odero, D.C., J.V. Fernandez, H.S. Sandhu, and M.P. Singh. 2015. Response of energycane to preemergence and postemergence herbicides. Weed Technology 29:810-820.
- ElSayed, A.I., E. Komor, M. Boulila, R. Viswanathan, and D.C. Odero. 2015. Biology and management of sugarcane yellow leaf virus: An historical overview. Archives of Virology 160:2921-2934.
- Fernandez, J.V., D.C. Odero, G.E. MacDonald, J. Ferrell, and L.A. Gettys. 2015. Confirmation, characterization and management of glyphosate-resistant ragweed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) in the Everglades Agricultural Area of south Florida. Weed Technology 29:233-242.
- Fernandez, J.V., D.C. Odero, and A.L. Wright. 2015. Effects of Parthenium hysterophorus L. residue on early sugarcane growth in organic and mineral soils. Crop Protection 72:31-35.
- Odero, D.C., R.H. Cherry, A.L. Wright, H.S. Sandhu, and Y. Luo. 2015. Woody host plants of the sugarcane root weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Florida sugarcane. Journal of Entomological Sciences 50:3-13.
- Fernandez, J.V., D.C. Odero, G.E. MacDonald, and J. Ferrell. 2014. Parthenium hysterophorus L. control in response to pyraflufen-ethyl application. Crop Protection 57:35-37.
- Odero, D.C. and D.L. Shaner. 2014. Field dissipation of atrazine and metribuzin in organic soils in Florida. Weed Technology 28:578-586.
- Odero, D.C. and D.L. Shaner. 2014. Dissipation of pendimethalin in organic soils in Florida. Weed Technology 28:82-88.
- Odero, D.C., A.L. Wright, and J.V. Fernandez. 2014. Sweet corn response and weed control to saflufenacil plus dimethenamid-P in organic soils. Weed Technology 28:281-285.
- Bhadha, J.H., T.A. Lang, O.M. Alvarez, M.C. Giurcanu, J.V. Johnson, D.C. Odero, and S.H. Daroub. 2014. Allelopathic effects of Pistia stratiotes (Araceae) and Lyngbya wollei Farlow ex Gomont (Oscillariaceae) on seed germination and root growth. Sustainable Agriculture Research 3:121-130.
- Odero, D.C. and A.L. Wright. 2013. Response of sweet corn to pyroxasulfone in high organic matter soils. Weed Technology 27:341-346.
- Odero, D.C. and A.L. Wright. 2013. Phosphorus application influences the critical period of weed control in lettuce. Weed Science 61:410-414.
- Odero, D.C., R.H. Cherry, and D.G. Hall. 2013. Weedy host plants of the sugarcane root weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Florida sugarcane. Journal of Entomological Sciences. 48:81-89.
- Odero, D.C. and A.L. Wright. 2013. Comparison of pyroxasulfone, S-metolachlor, and mesotrione for weed control in sweet corn on organic soils. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2013-0227-01-RS.
- Kniss, A.R. and D.C. Odero. 2013. Interaction between preemergence ethofumesate and postemergence glyphosate spray retention on common lambsquarters. Weed Technology 27:47-53.
- Odero, D.C. and R.A. Gilbert. 2012. Dose-response of newly-established elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum) to postemergence herbicides. Weed Technology 26:691-698.
- Odero, D.C. 2012. Response of ragweed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) to saflufenacil and glyphosate. Weed Technology 26:443-448.
- Odero, D.C. and R.A. Gilbert. 2012. Response of giant reed (Arundo donax) to asulam and trifloxysulfuron. Weed Technology 26:71-76.
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